Diagnosis of Organized Thrombus in Portal Vein in Liver Transplantation 肝脏移植中门静脉机化血栓的诊断
On the 14~ ( th) day after embolization, the treated aneurysms exhibited organized thrombus in more than 80% areas, and a thin neointima covered the necks. 栓塞后14d瘤腔80%以上的区域形成机化血栓,瘤颈口被薄层新生内膜覆盖。
Thrombotic intracranial aneurysms are a diverse collection of complex aneurysms characterized by organized intraluminal thrombus and solid mass. 颅内血栓性动脉瘤是一组以机化的瘤腔内血栓和实性包块为特征的复杂动脉瘤。